[ Informatii Expeditie / INFOS ]


            Tiksi, (rus. Тикси), un orasel intemeiat prin anii 30 pe locul in care au ajuns accidental cativa exploratori rusi la inceputul sec. XX, actualmente capitala districtului Bulunsky, parte a Republicii Sakha Yakutia. Populatia actuala numara cca. 5000 de suflete, mai putin de jumatate din cati erau in anul 1989, inainte de destramarea Uniunii Sovietice. (sursa: Wikipedia). Port la Marea Laptev, componenta a Oceanului Inghetat, dar si in proximitatea deltei fluviului Lena, care strabate intreaga Siberie, din Baikal pana aici, la Tiksi.


           Tiksi, (rus. Тикси), is a small town founded in the 30’s on the exact place where had accidentally landed a few Russian explorers at the beginning of the XXth century;  the current capital of the Bulunsky District of the Sakha Yakutia Republic. There are about 5000 inhabitants, less than half of the 1989 population and before the dissipation of the Soviet Union. (source: Wikipedia). Harbour in the Laptev Sea, part of the Arctic Ocean and situated near the delta of the Lena River which crosses the entire Siberia, from Baikal to Tiksi


-        Traversarea celei mai mari, salbatice si izolate regiuni ale planetei, Siberia.

-        Cunoasterea habitatului natural de iarna din taigaua ruseasta si tundra siberiana

-     Parcurgerea cu trei masini Toyota Landcruiser a unor cai dificile de circulatie, asa numitele drumuri de iarna, zimnice, practicabile doar cu uriasele Ural-uri sau Kamaz-uri.

-        Popularizarea unei zone complet necunoscute romanilor, Yakutia, cu un teritoriu cat India sau aproape jumatate din Europa de astazi.

-        Realizarea unui reportaj fotografic si a unei publicatii editoriale despre iarna extrema siberiana, despre asezarile parcurse si despre evenimentele petrecute.

-         Realizarea unui fotoreportaj cu cele cateva lagare din gulagul stalinist, in ruina, dar inca prezente in mijlocul acestei inchisori naturale.

-       Cunoasterea unor comunitati de oameni situate la foarte mare departare de zonele accesibile, vechile populatii locale de yakuti, dolgani si evenki, pana ieri nomade.


-   Crossing over the biggest, wildest and most isolated region of our Planet:  Siberia

-   Studying the winter natural habitat of the Russian taiga and Siberian tundra

-   Crossing, with three Toyota Land Cruiser, difficult roads, the so-called winter roads (zimnik) accessible only by Ural and Kamaz

-    Populating a region left completely unknown to Romanians, Yakutia, which is as large as India or as half of the territory of the Europe

-   Making a documentary film, a photo essay and an editorial about the harsh Siberian winter, the visited regions and the team’s adventures  

-   Making a photo essay on the concentration camps of Stalin’s gulag, that are dilapidated today but still present in the middle of this natural prison

-      - Discovering several communities situated far from the populated regions: the Yakuts, the Dolgans and the Evenkis, peoples that have had, until recently, a nomadic lifestyle.


12 februarie – 12 aprilie 2015


Bucuresti – Kosice – Minsk - Moscova – Omsk – Irkutsk – Yakutsk – Topolinoe – Batagay – Tiksi – Yurung Haya – Saskylah - Udachny – Myrny – Yakutsk – Irkutsk – Moscova – Bucuresti

Total distanta estimata, fara bucle, / Estimated total distance (without detours)

28.082 km

Din care:

Drumuri de iarna (zimnice) / Winter roads (zymnic) – 3858 km

Segment Drumul Oaselor – Kolâma / Road of Bones – Kolyma – 768 km

Numar ore de condus: / Number of driving hours: around : cca 595


Viteza medie globala estimata, fara timp opriri: / Estimated speed (no stops included): 47 km/h

Coordinates: N71 41 45.7 E128 53 17.2

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