
Verhoyansk [ Locuri care ne asteapta / Places we will visit ]
Verhoyansk – orasel fondat in sec. 19, detine un record al celei mai mari diferente dintre temperaturile de vara si iarna, de la peste 30 grade in iulie pana sub -50 in ianuarie. Alaturi de Oimyakon, este considerat un pol a frigului, exceptand zonele antactice desigur, cu temperaturi inregistrate de -69,8 grade Celsius.

Verkhoyanskcity founded in the 19th century that holds the world-record for the biggest difference between winter and summer temperatures: over 30° in July and almost -50° in January. The area near Oimyakon is considered as a pole of cold, except for the arctic regions where temperatures of – 69,8° were recorded.

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