Foto: www.evgeniaarbugaeva.com [ Locuri care ne asteapta / Places we will visit ]
Tiksi este cel mai important port la Marea Laptev, componenta a Oceanului Arctic (Inghetat), cel mai rece si agitat dintre toate oceanele planetei. Doar doua sau trei luni pe an este neinghetat, avand rareori o temperatura peste 0 grade Celsius. Vara in Tiksi este doar cu numele, rareori media trece de 15 grade (recordul este totusi de 32,7, dar cine stie cand se va mai intampla). In ianuarie media este sub -30 grade, coborand char pana spre -50.
Cu o populatie actuala de cca. 5000 de oameni, cu multe blocuri remanente din era comunista sovietica, cu o mica industrie de exploatare in stare de decadere, Tiksi pare uitat de lume, insa este o destinatie aparte, cu calitati unice.

Tiksi the most important harbour in the Laptev Sea, which is a component of the Arctic Ocean, the coldest and roughest oceans of the Planet. It remains frozen only two or three months a year and it rarely has a temperature over 0°. Summer in Tiksi exists only in theory because the average temperature rarely gets higher than 15 ° (the record temperature was of 32,7°, but no one knows if that will ever reoccur). In January, the average temperature is under -30° sometimes reaching -50°.

With a current population of 5000 people, many building that date back to the communist soviet era, and a small exploitation industry on the decline, Tiksi might seem forgotten by the world but remains a unique destination.


TIKSI TIKSI Foto: www.evgeniaarbugaeva.com TIKSI TIKSI TIKSI TIKSI source: wikimapia.org

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